Littlestown Borough Staff
Littlestown Borough Staff
Borough Manager
Charles Kellar
(717) 359-5101 ext. 130
The Borough Manager serves the Mayor, Council and the community as the chief administrative officer of the Borough and shall be responsible to the Littlestown Borough Council as a whole for the proper and efficient administration of the affairs of the Borough of Littlestown placed in his charge. He is responsible for administering local government projects and programs on behalf of the Borough of Littlestown. The Borough Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Borough, including but not limited to seeing that all ordinances, resolutions, rules and regulations adopted by the Littlestown Borough Council are enforced. The Borough Manager addresses health and sanitation related property complaints and complaint driven investigations as related to the Littlestown Borough Code.
Borough Secretary/Treasurer
Sandy Conrad
(717) 359-5101 ext. 310
The Borough Secretary/Treasurer assists the Borough Manager and elected officials in varied administrative processes of the legally mandated activities of the Borough. She serves as “Chief Municipal Clerk” and Treasurer of the Borough and assistant to the Borough Manager, and is responsible for the proper recording, documenting and filing of all official acts of the Borough Council and other appointed boards and commissions. The Borough Secretary/Treasurer is also expected to provide services to the public and act as a source of reference for other Borough officials and the public. She performs the duties of Treasurer as prescribed by law [Section 1106 of the Borough Code (53 P.S.46106)].
Assistant Secretary
Courtney Conrad
(717) 359-5101 ext. 340
The Assistant Secretary assists the Borough Manager and Secretary/Treasurer with daily tasks and is responsible for payroll, AP, vendor accounts, HR, documentations, procedures, social media accounts, workers comp and employee files, etc. They serve as the back up in the absence of the Secretary/Treasurer and oversees the front office staff with water & sewer billings.
Borough Clerk
Michelle Johnson
(717) 359-5101 ext. 360
The Borough Office Clerk is located in the front office of the Borough Office Building. The Clerk is responsible for excellent customer service in answering the phones, greeting visitors to the building, directing visitors to the appropriate staff members and answering general questions. The Clerk is also are responsible for generating, billing, mailing and collecting water and sewer bills, scheduling pavilion rentals, and issuing yard sale permits.
Zoning Administrator/Code Officer
Patricia Abrams
(717) 359-5101 ext. 330
The Zoning Administrator/Code officer is responsible for enforcing borough ordinances and regulations concerning, but not limited to, sidewalk conditions, snow removal, nuisances, property conditions, etc. Responsibilities also include enforcing zoning ordinances by inspecting set backs. The Zoning/Code officer also assists the general public with questions and concerns regarding permits, code violations and provides advice for code compliance.
Public Works Supervisor
Clair Arentz
The Public Works Supervisor, supervises, and assists the Public Works employees on a wide variety of Borough projects including, but not limited to, streets, buildings, pool, and parks. The Public Works Department is responsible for all things related to Borough Street, such as maintaining streets, snow plowing and removal, leaf collection, traffic signal maintenance, and street light maintenance. The Public Works Department provides safe, adequate, reliable and cost-effective supply of water to our citizens, as well as the collection and treatment of wastewater. The Crew maintains all Borough buildings and facilities. The Public Works Crew maintains and adds to the Littlestown Community Park, Crouse Park, and the Littlestown Community Pool. We are all very proud of our beautiful parks and pool.
Water/Sewer Supervisor
Gene Shields
The water/sewer operators are responsible for ensuring that the Boroughs waste water treatment plant, lift stations, wells and pump houses are running and meeting the laws of the Commonwealth of PA. In addition they also make sure that all the required testing and documentation is submitted to the state and that all policy and procedures are followed.